This is me

This is me
On a good day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Planning a Party

At some point, your kids are beyond the big birthday party stage. My kids are both in the more casual stage of celebration. I've never been much into it myself, so to me, it's a relief. I'm much more comfortable with the hang out and have fun party over the cram the water slide into your backyard and hire a lifeguard party any day. We've done both.

This year, we're taking my son, who will be 9 this weekend, and his best buddies to a baseball game. We'll have pizza first here at the house, and them cram all of the guys into the car. Note to self: husband drives said car.

But, while I comfortably state that we are beyond the big party stage, another magic moment occurs. Pubescent one reverts to being three again and gets jealous that brother is having a party. To express her dismay, she shrieks, "HE ALWAYS GETS WHAT HE WANTS! YOU NEVER GAVE ME FUN PARTIES! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO AT A BASEBALL GAME?" The temptation is to answer glibly, "get mama's drinks from the concession." Somehow I refrained.

The book I mentioned in an earlier post (Get Out of My Life! But First Can you Take Me and Cheryl to the Mall?) states that since their emotions are so confusing to them, adolescents would rather fight with you than tell you what's really bothering them. I sure wish I knew what was behind this rant. Hopefully, it will have passed and she will return to acting nearly 20 by the time I pick her up today. She vacillates from this incredible maturity to toddler ism. I never know what to expect and am rarely prepared.

In the meantime, I'm happily sending casual emails and texts to my son's friend's parents about the game/party. Hopefully everyone will be home this holiday weekend and can attend. The question is, will I need a babysitter for the toddler?

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, all of the wonderful things I have to look forward to... :)
